We have long known that breast-feeding is beneficial for both Mom and her baby; and now, we have another study out indicating that breast-feeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. In addition, it reduces mortality of women who do develop breast cancer, as the cancer tends to be less aggressive in those who have breastfed.
Marily Kwan, a research scientist for Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California published a study for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (online, April 28, 2015) showing a 30% overall decreased risk of breast cancer reoccurrence in women who had breast cancer but had breast-fed their babies.
“We also found those who previously breast-fed had a 28% reduced risk of dying from their breast cancer,” stated Kwan. The association was strongest for those who had breast-fed for at least 6 months; though, any duration inferred a decreased risk.
One of the core measures we value at Providence Medical Center is encouraging our new moms to embrace breast-feeding. There are, of course, a myriad of proven benefits for the baby beyond a natural, balanced nutrition source such as protection from diabetes, infections, and becoming overweight. Now we can add to the benefits for mom beyond those we already knew – the decreased incidence of breast cancer and ovarian cancer!
When you deliver your baby at Providence Medical Center, rest assured our nursing staff will help and encourage you to breast feed your baby. With compassionate guidance and practice from our experienced team, Mom and baby will soon both be reaping the benefits that come with breastfeeding. We are dedicated to providing the best care for you and your baby!